Panel Discussion “Ukrainian Culture on its Path to the EU”

The opening discussion of STATEMENT UKRAINE, featuring leading Ukrainian, Austrian, and European personalities, invites a local and international audience to participate in a dialogue about the future cultural integration of Ukraine into the European Union.
Address: Aula of Sciences, Ground Floor, Wollzeile 27A, 1010 Vienna
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3:00 pm | Opening remarks:
Oleksandr Tkachenko, The Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
3:20 – 4:35 pm | Panel 1: Integration Reforms needed in Ukraine’s Public Cultural Sector
The aim of the opening session of the panel discussion is to define the main cultural policy guidelines for future relations between European and Ukrainian authorities. Most of the Ukrainian cultural sector has remained largely unreformed since the Soviet era. At the national level, state cultural institutions receive substantial funding, but it is insufficient for their high-quality work and they largely exist in a state of inertia. There is hope, however, that the war will break this traditional pattern of inertia and provide grounds for new perspectives. Therefore, it is important to understand and outline the much-needed administrative reforms of the public cultural service and to establish a new legal, economic, and institutional framework for the integration of Ukraine into the international community of the European Union. The foundations for such a change should be based on the proven and optimal approach of the leading countries of the EU. Panel Speakers: Moderation: |
4:55 – 6:15 pm | Panel 2: Art and Creative Industries in Times of War The focus of the second section of the panel is to be laid on the current contemporary culture sphere and creative industries in Ukraine. In general, the role of such industries in the cultural and economic development of both developed and developing countries has recently taken on increased importance. How does the cultural sector survive in the face of war? Are forms of cultural expression and their products necessary under wartime circumstances? What does culture need under the threat of extinction from absolute aggression in a time of military invasion? And what could Europe learn from Ukraine? These issues and resulting questions will be the subject of discussion among participants from Ukraine, who are well aware of the situation in the state of war, as well as representatives from Austria.Panel Speakers: Kateryna Botanova, Co-curator of CULTURESCAPES festival Taras Doroniuk, Director of Development at the KSE Institute Yevheniya Kravchuk, Deputy Chair of the Servant of the People faction Tanja Maljartschuk, Author Markus Huber, Managing Director viennacontemporary Moderation: |
6:30 – 6:45 pm | Buffet, followed by a walk over to the exhibition opening of “The Cockerel with Black Wings: A Recovered Heirloom” |